Allen Hannah Art
For many years, Allen spent a couple of weeks each year holidaying at 14 Kalakau Ave
Forresters beach. Allen explains: "I have always appreciated the outstanding views
from Spoon Bay, through to Wamberal and Terrigal Beaches, Wamberal Lagoon and the
Tumbi Umbi mountains. It was this house that inspired me to get serious about my

Allen was so inspired by the views, he now resides at 12 Kalakau Ave Forresters Beach.
Since his move, he has mainly painted seascapes due to the abundance of subjects
available in the area. In Allen's opinion, the many local beaches and lakes are so
inspirational they just "beg to be painted"

Allen's artwork has grown from a childhood love of drawing and colouring in, to today's
artwork capturing his personal vision of life's beauty and it's treasures. Through his
artwork, Allen hopes to let us share and enjoy his experience.