From the many paintings Allen completed from 14 Kalakau Ave, two paintings were, and
still are, of great significance in his life.

"Towards Wamberal/Terrigal from Spoon Bay" From the deck of 14 Kalakau Ave, this
painting looks south to include the ocean and the beaches of Spoon Bay, Bobbies Beach,
Wamberal and Terrigal with the Terrigal Skillion and Avoca headland in the background.
This painting hung in the lounge room of Allen's home in Toongabbie and became the daily
reminder of the Spoon Bay/Foresters Beach area and the inspiration to move to the area.

"Spoon Bay Sunrise" This painting looks eastward out to sea and depicts one of the
magnificent sunrises we are fortunate to experience from this area. The painting not only
reminds Allen of the area but more importantly, it reminds him of his best friend Ian who
was suffering from "Multiple Sclerosis". Whilst in hospital, Ian requested a painting with
the sun to brighten up his days. Allen painted "Spoon Bay Sunrise" and hung it on the wall
at the foot of Ian's bed so that he could look at it through his blurred vision. It stayed with
Ian until unfortunately he passed on. Allen now has the painting hanging in his lounge room
as a fond memory of their friendship.
Allen Hannah Art